that darn cat !

finding hairballs in my drive and on my porch is disturbing
especially since I don't own a cat
this afternoon I had a new experience
it was gruesome to walk around my car and see that sight
my immediate thought was "yuck"
followed by "I wonder when the murder occurred"
then "I should not have to clean that up"
and finally, "but if I don't, no one will"
that was a little after 1

I walked into the house thinking
"at least I can be thankful that one won't find its way into the house"
(I am working on being thankful always)
it is now 8:55 pm and it is still out there
(partially because I got busy this afternoon and forgot)

even if I knew which neighbor's cat was the killer it wouldn't help
I can't see myself knocking on someones door
"Hi, your vicious cat left a gift for me in my driveway. 
It is gross. I'd like you to take care of it"
nope, that wouldn't happen

I could get mad at the cat owners I know who let their pets roam
I could be mad that the mouse was too slow
I could have taken care of it when I got home, 
but I didn't
I am sure it doesn't look any better now than it did then
I am equally confident my desire to trash it will not be any higher tomorrow
but I will clean up the mess

sometimes we don't own the cat
but we do own the driveway
so the responsibility to take care of the problem is ours


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