ahhh, that's better

it was such a mess,
my front flower bed,
the one everyone can see
the one that accused me of neglect everytime I looked at it
and shouted "this is how much she cares" to passersby
at least in my mind
though in reality people probably never give it a second thought

today I set aside time and grit
and chose to work in that bed
I uncovered two crocus that didn't get noticed in their prime,
the weeds and debris covered them,
but interestingly enough,
didn't smother them or prevent them from blooming
I think there's a lesson there...

at one point
I discovered promise of blooms to come, 
and a crocus just beginning to open
by the time I was finished, 
I had piles of stuff that needed to be picked up
but I was done in
so I called for help that was gladly given

at one time all five of my beds would have been cleaned in one day
but I recognize my current limits
I cannot do that and still be able to move
so rather than focusing on what is undone,
I am choosing to be thankful for the area I could clean up 
I am also thanking God for friends who are willing to help
I am even considering enlisting some of them to finish the job

today I got a little bit of dirt under my fingernails
while a gentle breeze blew
and the sun shined on my back
which equals a whole lot of soul healing therapy 
I also got a scolding for not asking for help with the whole process
dear friend I want to encourage you:
if you are in a new stage,
and life circumstances have placed limitations on you,
don't get bogged down in comparing what you could do
to what you are able to do now
because doing so will immobilize you
make a reasonable assessment and then do what you can


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