Valentine's Day Date 2022

some days are a little harder to face single
Valentine's Day is one of them
what do you do 
with the love that's been built upon,
experience after experience,
year by year
when the one you shared it with isn't here?

I'm never quite sure what the solution is,
because the love you have doesn't die...
it doesn't transfer
it doesn't disappear over time 
(Or if it does, it takes longer than 7 1/2 years)
it's still weird to celebrate holidays without Bill,
especially ones that are traditionally couple things
I can't do and enjoy the things we always did
37 years together made for some pretty solid habits
and while new traditions are being made I keep reminding myself:
different isn't bad, it's just different
accepting that truth today let me share a good meal with a great friend


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