uh oh


That is my breakfast on the floor. Waking up to rain and an aching back made me wonder how the day was going to unfold. This was a less than auspicious beginning. 

Normally I scramble two eggs and zap 3 slices of bacon.This morning's weather made oatmeal sound like a gourmet meal, especially when doctored with butter, raw cane sugar and plenty of Craisins. I got to enjoy about three bites before it tumbled from the arm of the chair.

Sometimes life doesn't turn out the way we planned. Well, honestly, I don't know anyone whose life has turned out the way they planned. We do, however, get to choose how we react to the unexpected happenings. I usually handle them best when I've spent time with Jesus so I left it while I prayed, read my Bible and journaled. Afterward it was a simple scoop it back into the bowl, grab a wet cloth and wipe up the residue. The size of the mess and stress was greatly minimized by what I did before tackling the mess. 

take away: 
Time spent with Jesus is always time well spent, especially when there are unpleasant things ahead of me. And even with oatmeal on the floor I had something to be thankful for: the bowl didn't break!


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