smh kind of week

Sunday evening I remembered I had called last Wednesday on my way home from Ashland to schedule an oil change. I looked at the calendar on my phone. It wasn't there so I knew I would have to call early Monday morning to confirm. Since it wasn't until 11 I burrowed under the blankets for a little longer.

At 10:40 a friend called. She'd heard that I was looking for a back surgeon and had a referral for me. We chatted. She had a lot to say. At 10:50 I knew I had to leave to get to the dealership on time and headed to the door, listening to her as I walked.  I looked for my phone on the table next to the bowl I where I put my keys when I come in the house. It wasn't there. Nor was it on top of the washer or dryer or the edge of the sink or the glass shelf above the sink. I was confused. Where had I put it? I quickly walked back through the house, checking the kitchen table, counters and bar. I was concerned. I went to the library and checked the chair where I have my time alone with Jesus. The bookshelves, the desk. No sign of it anywhere. Now I was frantic. I walked back toward the front door and just as I was getting ready to ask Brenda to call me so I could find my phone it hit me. I was talking on it. All I could do was shake my head and race to the appointment. Thankfully it's just a few minutes from the house and I made it with a minute to spare.

I gave the man who greeted me my name. I handed him the gift certificate I'd purchased to support Project Merry Christmas. He walked into the garage where the bays are. And walked back out, clipboard in hand. "Could it be under a different name?" "It might be under William." He double and triple checked. I wasn't on his list. I told him I had called, not three hours ago to confirm. I pulled out my phone and showed him the number I'd called. It was for the dealership, not the repair garage. I thought "well, this is Monday." I went to stand up and he said, "wait, let me see, I think we can honor this gift certificate and I can work you in." They would and he did. I called the dealership so the mechanic there wouldn't be waiting on me. 

This afternoon I dropped my phone in water while I was out. Like totally submerged it. I quickly retrieved it, took the cover off and dried it. When I got to the car and plugged it in I got a notice there was water in the phone port and I needed to unplug it to allow it to dry. I hoped it had enough battery power to last for a few hours. When I got home I retrieved our special bowl of rice, saved for just such occasions. 

It was below 20% charged when I sat down to write. I tried to plug it in. I couldn't. I was afraid there's some kind of safety mechanism in the charging port that got triggered when it got wet. I was ready to get in the car and drive to Walmart to buy one of those chargers that work when you lay your phone on it. Why would I do that this late in the day rather than wait for morning? Because everything is on my phone. My contacts. My calendar. My internet is accessed through my hotspot. I don't want to be without it. I looked in the port-yes, there's something in there that shouldn't be. Great. After panicking that tomorrow would find me at the repair shop paying big bucks or at the ATT store replacing my phone I had a moment of inspiration. I wondered if a grain of rice was lodged. Sure enough, with a little bit of patience and gentle probing with a paring knife I was able to clear it out. It is charging now.

As I sit and analyze these things that have caused me moments of frustration and embarrassment I realize they are just irritations. Inconveniences. I have nothing to complain about. Has anything rattled you this week?


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