it's kept the windchimes busy...

it has been windy the last few days
but tonight I have listened to the wind increase in force,
whistling down my chimney
pressing against the windows
making things creak
greedily grasping for anything loose
I didn't realize how loud it was until it stopped
and things were quiet
I was so used to the noise
the lack of it was almost eerie

I think life is like that sometimes
our schedules get busy
demands press hard against us
circumstances are loud
the important gets pushed aside by the urgent
or we are caught up in a storm
and we deal with it for so long
that chaos becomes "normal"
and while we are exhausted by it
and we wish for peace and quiet
when things calm down it is weird and we feel uncomfortable 
so we push away the discomfort by diving back into busy overload

it took me a long time to figure out I need the quiet
even if life is chaotic and the house is full
I need at least a few focused, quiet minutes everyday
it rests my mind
it rests my heart
it rests my spirit
it rests my soul
it is so important, 
I fight for it 
and I can tell when I've pushed too hard,
when I've  gone too long without quiet rest,
because even the slightest ruffling of my feathers is overwhelming


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