Chronicles of Georgia and the sea of Tbilisi

I am not a "tourist" when I travel.
Not in the states, not overseas.

I have very much enjoyed living life with Deborah here.
Walking or taking transport with her to do everyday things has brought me much joy, satisfaction and education!

Within the first week I was here many people kindly asked me what I had seen so far. Explaining what I wanted to do while I was here brought more than one appreciative smile.
One new friend told me that their family has come several  times to visit but has never met any of their friends because their family is too busy sight seeing.

One place that was recommended by several people did peak my interest.
Today David rented a car and we went.
I am so glad we did.
If you travel to Tbilisi make time to go to the Chronicles of Georgia.
It was so good we went twice to get the full experience.

This isn't even half of the steps you need to climb to reach the Chronicles, but the view at the top is worth every bit of energy spent to get there.

Replica of the grapevine cross of St. Nino, who is credited with introducing Christianity to Georgia.

Tbilisi Sea. This photo does not do it justice.

Tbilisi Sea at night.

A snippet of information: The Chronicles of Georgia is also known as the History Memorial of Georgia. It is located atop Mount Keeni. It was created by a famous Georgian sculptor, Zurab Tsereteli. It is partially incomplete, but it is astounding. Sixteen pillars, 30 meters (98+ feet) tall unfold several stories. Depicted are historical and religious events and scenes from Georgia. I will include a few photos I took today.

Jesus asleep in the midst of the storm.

Some of the Georgian leaders.

I would definitely go back, without hesitation.
It's the kind of place that I think you would notice something new each time you visit.

All four sides of each pillar have three layers of sculptures.
Bible depictions are on the bottom, Georgian leaders are in the middle and I could not see the top clear enough to accurately tell you what was up there. The daytime picture I shared shows all three layers of the front side.



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