
 I was afraid to even consider long distance travel.

Knowing the damage to my spine that pain revealed in October 2021 and surgery in 2022 helped alleviate, I knew there was no way I wanted to take a chance on further damaging myself. Or of kicking up an episode while traveling.

And then I went on a three week driving adventure out west with the Markey family. And did fine.

So, when Deborah and David and Abigail and Selah and Gabriel and Moriah mentioned (more than once, at different times) how much they would like me to come visit their current home sometime, I had to stop and ask if fear was keeping me from walking through a door the Lord was opening.

After pray and consultation with my doctor, and giving myself permission to buy someone a plane ticket to get me from the Republic of Georgia to the US, knowing that on the way to Georgia I would have six people looking out for me, I said, "yes."

This was not my first visit overseas to to spend time with the Markey family and be introduced to their ministry partners in the three other countries they've lived in. 


Hungary was not Kyrgyzstan was not Siberia was not Georgia.

Georgia was different.

Georgia felt like home.

Ministry opportunities were opened to me in ways I never imagined would happen overseas. Three weeks into my five week stay, I extended my original departure date by two weeks because I knew my time in Georgia was not done. I was torn, even as recently as last Wednesday, that maybe I was missing something by returning to the states.  I considered another delay.

It makes no sense, but...

There were less tears all around when we said our "see ya' laters". It may have helped that I have a return flight booked.

There was no fear about traveling alone. I was confident God would provided what I needed to get through airports and plane travel, that I didn't need a person with me, and He did give me what I needed and more. 

I realize something, even in my jet lagged state of mind. 

Ministry is not dependent upon or limited to a particular place or group. The work He has for me to do is to love people, and for now, that means staying stateside.  It might change in the future. It might not. If I wait to know I will miss so many opportunities!

I realize more clearly, deeper in my soul after this last adventure, that there is no place on earth that is really home. I'm just passing through, inviting others to join me as I travel, waiting for God to call us home.

“Don’t let your heart be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? If I go away and prepare a place for you, I will come again and take you to myself, so that where I am you may be also." John 14:1-3


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