near Dry Bridge, Tbilisi


I wish I could enlarge this photo enough that you could see the details I tried to capture. It is not unusual to stand in one place and experience an eclectic collection.

Cars, parallel parked, nose to tail
Buses  rolling along 
Mini buses 
Delivery drivers on scooters or bicycles

Old buildings, some well preserved and regal,
some crumbling,
new buildings,
different shapes,

well kept parks with benches,
sculptures scattered throughout
playgrounds for children,
some new and fresh
some obviously old, tired looking

people walking,
people walking

young adults
children on scooters,
babies and toddlers in strollers

some, arm in arm, slowly strolling
enjoying a chat or friendly debate
others are obviously in a hurry,
a destination or task in mind,
rarely, one stumbling about in a drunken stupor

I am thankful I have been able to walk and experience Deborah and David's life from foot. There is so much I would miss if we were always traveling in a vehicle.


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