Tbilisi, Outside of Tbilisi and Old Tbilisi

Today our adventure started at Mtatsminda Park which is "atop Mount Mtatsiminda which is 770 meters high and is the highest point in Tbilisi." This is a closer look at the Ferris Wheel I can see from the apartment that is lit up every night.  

 View from apartment of the Ferris Wheel, to the right of the tall tower.

Before we left the park we made a stop at the WC.
WC=Water Closet=bathroom
Not all are like this, but it isn't the first one I've used here.
For those who aren't familiar, this is called a squatty potty.
I'm so proud, I didn't fall in nor did I get anything on my clothes!

This is a view of Tbilisi from the park.
That black mound almost in the center of the picture is 
The Chronicles of Georgia.
It was a cloudy, cooler day and we didn't have anything in particular any of us wanted to do or see so we decided to go somewhere David has never been. He chose a road and we followed it through some the less populated towns in Georgia outside of Tbilisi. 
At one point we saw cows in the road, and later, calves alongside the road.
More mountains.
I bet whoever lives in that house has a spectacular view!

the layered rock, almost sideways, caught my attention
The Markey's have camped here at Algeti.

It was dark by the time we made it back to Tbilisi.
David wanted to introduce me to Old Tbilisi.
We walked across Peace Bridge.

We saw a church with these beautiful stained glass windows,

and this monument of King Vakhtang Gorgasali who founded Tbilisi.


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