from empty to full takes some effort

This weekend I realized something had to change.
Sunday I got online and began placing orders.

Because we pretty much emptied my fridge before we left for Georgia.
I haven't gone hungry,
but I've not had many fresh, tasty options.
I couldn't do one more crustless pizza,
mostly because I used all the pepperoni.
I didn't want a bowl of cereal again.
Fast food or KCU cafeteria wasn't appealing either.

Today was the day to make a difference.
Deliveries, returns, grocery pick ups.
South Shore.
My investment of time and energy was worthwhile.

My house is less full of "stuff".
I have meal choices that don't require opening a box or a can!
 Fresh fruits and veggies.
Yogurt and an assortment of cheeses.
Fizzy water and more eggs.

I am ending this day with a full fridge.

And a full heart.

TJ Maxx didn't have what I went in for, but they did have this mug!
My Christmas Cactus decided to celebrate Easter as a bonus.
(Actually all three of them are. This one is an over achiever.)
It has rained on and off all day. Clouds have been thick. But, at the end of the evening, the sun broke through the cloud cover to say goodnight.

If your fridge is empty, I hope it is by choice like mine was. If you need resources, reach out, no one should have to be hungry. And if your heart is empty I pray encouragement and hope and comfort from Jesus over you. I also pray that you will reach out and accept these and other gifts He offers.


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