leaving on a jet plane...

January 14, 2024 I booked a round trip flight from Cincinnati, Ohio (January 26) to Tbilisi, Georgia (February 29) so I could spend five weeks with Deborah's family in the country they currently call home. The longest amount of time I've spent overseas is four weeks. I was a little nervous when I committed to five. An extra seven days can be a long time.
I've chronicled my visit and enjoyed sharing it through my blog. 
New sights. New sounds. New foods. New people. New customs.
I wasn't sure what I would write when I got back to Kentucky, and with jet lag didn't think I'd be writing the first few days. 
About ten days before I was supposed to leave I looked at Deborah one night when we were having tea and, with tears in my eyes, told her I didn't think my time in Georgia was done. 
Later that night, after I'd gone to bed, she spoke to David who excitedly approached me, the day after saying, "I hear you might be here longer. Let's book your flight."
Knowing I was welcome made me brave enough to do another thing I never imagined I would do.
Last Saturday I cancelled my flight home. 
Monday I booked a flight home, extending my trip by two weeks with a tentative return date (to Georgia) January 2025.

 I am shaking my head about the changes I see in myself...and I wonder what other new thing God is going to do in me this year!


  1. This made me cry and gave me goosebumps. I am so excited for you. Something to carry you through the rest of the year!


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