
 I had a list of things to do today.

Breakfast with the soccer teams.

Discipleship with Amanda.

Soccer practice.

Picking up a printing order.

Visiting with Karen.

Having the swing break while I was sitting on it was not on the list.

Thankfully I walked away with just a sore shoulder and flesh wounds. 

I'm thankful 
  • it was me and not someone else
  • my feet were in front of the swing, not under it
  • the grass is thick so the impact was cushioned 
          (good thing it wasn't mowed yet!)
  • nothing in me is broken or significantly damaged
  • my back wasn't impacted-I walked almost 3 miles after this 
  • for Epsom salts and hot water to soak in

the swing may think it won a battle today, but I will win the war-this thing is history as soon as I can get someone to come remove it from my yard.


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