plans change

As we were walking in the parking garage Thursday night/Friday morning to leave the airport at about the time we should have been arriving in Grayson, Jonathan noticed what level he parked on and said that he was responsible for the delays we faced because of this choice.
(We both understand he doesn't have that kind of power, but it made us laugh.)

When I opened the curtains Friday morning I noticed the yard...

Before I left for Georgia I took care of "all the things".
I made provisions for my mail to be held at the post office.
I made arrangements with my neighbor to take care of the dogs.
A friend came in and watered my plants.

Making sure someone mowed the lawn never crossed my mind as something that needed to be done since my trip was January 26-February 29. Not even when it was extended to March 14 did I consider lawn maintenance to be a concern.

Seeing its condition put it on the list of things to do now that I was home, but more pressing matters consumed my attention.

Priority one was a trip to the post office. I had mail to pick up. Questions to ask about mailing a package for a friend and what paperwork I needed so I could apply for a new passport. (As long as I have family overseas I will have a current passport in hand so that if something comes up and I have to book a flight my passport will not be a concern.)  My first order of business when I got home was to go through the process of opening, sorting, filing, organizing all the paperwork and paying bills. 

Saturday I needed to prepare the package for my friend, write a note to go along with a gift Selah asked me mail for her, fill out the paperwork to apply for my new passport and get to the post office by 11. When I got home and realized my suitcase looked like it had thrown up on the bar, fully unpacking it, sorting and putting away the things I brought home from Georgia became my next priority.

 I didn't even remember the lawn needed mowed until I went out to feed the dogs after I got home from a ladies meeting at about 6:30. The weather was pretty, but I was too tired to mow.

Sunday was church. I was tempted to mow, but chose to rest.

I planned to mow today.
I discovered that our staff meetings were moved to Monday morning. I saw snow flurries as I walked into our meeting at 11. 
Throughout the afternoon I saw more flakes. It was supposed to be in the mid forties, but it never got close. I had the physical energy to mow, but not the mental capacity to do so in the snow, so I worked at the Mission Store sorting, organizing and shelving books.

I went to our college small group this evening.
When we came out there was snow on our vehicles.

It wasn't much accumulation, but there was enough to bring a smile to my face and a sense of joy to my heart while I quickly played and made a very small snowman.

It is supposed to be in the mid fifties.
I'll mow then.

If that plan doesn't work out I might be looking for a goat to borrow because that grass isn't getting any shorter!


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