grandma got crabs at the beach today

It's true. 
This is how it happened.
I went on a walk by myself up the beach.
something I have done the last two days, 
but today was different.
Today I was "treasure" hunting.
Crabs are not the only thing I came back with for the first time.

As I walked toward the pier

I began collecting instead of simply walking.
I came home with quite a collection.
Two of the granddaughters organized them.

there are "unicorn horns"
fat, shiny swirled shells
sea glass
(do you like my technical names?)  

This is the biggest whole shell I've ever found
and unfortunately for me
it still has a live inhabitant so it will be going back to the ocean.
sand dollars                 and crabs,
six hermit crabs

you just never know what you will pick up at the beach...


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