How Does God Speak?


As this day ends I have to ask the question that came to mind last night and has badgered, especially since I found a quarter in my yard this afternoon as I was carrying things to the shed. I have absolutely no clue how it got there.

How does God speak to YOU?
Or where, outside of the walls of the church building?
This is not rhetorical, I really want to know.

I know He speaks through His Word and I value that most highly. 

But what I wonder is how does He speak to you through "everyday" things.
Is there something that reminds you of Him every time you see it.
Is there something that keeps showing up in your path that points you to Him.

For one friend of mine it is pennies and hearts.
For another it is each sunrise. (Yes, she sees 95% or more of those.)
For another it is rainbows.

Please, please, please, share. 
What "it" is and what it speaks into your life.
Maybe it will encourage someone else in their walk of faith.

Just a thought-if you don't have anything, consider choosing something and practice using it as a reminder of God or one of His qualities (faithfulness, love, mercy, grace, forgiveness, etc.) every time you see it. That is how simple coins became important in my walk with Christ. Each one has "In God We Trust" stamped on it, and because of that, on a particularly difficult day I decided every time I see one, no matter how small or how large, no matter what is going on in my life, I would allow it to prompt me to think of the One whom I choose to trust. 


  1. I'm constantly spoken to through nature. Each time a bird finds a feeder I see His hand in providing for the smallest. Every magnificent sunrise or sunset is His artwork reminding me that life is beautiful and tomorrow is a refreshed new start. On the beach He draws me close loosening heart strings calling me to feel. Feel pain and grief so healing can occur.Feel memories and dreams so I continue to grow. Feeling the warmth of the sun and wind of the waves to renew my spirit and physical strength. This is how He speaks to me.


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