pro life (or simply anti abortion?)

It is January.
The first month of a new year.
Fresh starts.
Roe V Wade was decided January 22, 1973.
Abortion became legal.
People were outraged.
People were thankful.
"It's a blob of tissue."
"It's a baby."
Being a proponent of abortion translates to pro death for many.
Being against abortion translates to being pro life for others.
This week I have wrestled with thoughts that have led me to this conclusion:

being anti abortion does not equal being pro life

Fighting for the right of all babies to be born is a good thing
when we believe that is all it takes to be pro life we deceive ourselves.

picketing abortion clinics?
shows we are anti abortion
...loving and praying for the women who go in full and come out empty, 
that is pro life
raging against those who work at said clinics?
again, proves we are anti abortion
...praying for, not judging those who work at said clinics is pro life

pro life- 
pro meaning for life
all of life,
conception to death,
is more involved than being anti-abortion

might it include:
  • recognizing that dreams are sometimes shattered by pregnancy
  • supporting the woman who chose birth over abortion, with more than words
  • loving, not condemning, the woman who chose abortion over birth
  • acknowledging that giving a child up for adoption is an act of great love
  • providing a package of diapers and wipes, more than once
  • babysitting (for free) so a parent (or couple) can have a couple of hours to themselves
  • accepting the truth that sometimes those with the biggest handicaps are perfectly healthy 
  • asking someone what their favorite treat is-and surprising them with it once in a while
  • contributing to an adoption fund
  • asking a friend who deals with special needs if there is something you can do to make life more manageable for them
  • helping a fostering family you know get what they need for the child(ren) they bring into their home
  • asking a social worker how you can support them
  • providing a meal 
  • sending a care package
  • being pleasant and kind, even if it is not "deserved'
  • purchasing and giving away a gas or gift card 
  • visiting a nursing home
  • making a long overdue phone call
  • rejoicing with those who rejoice
  • weeping with those who are weeping
  • sending a note, a card, a text, a message of encouragement
  • checking in on shut-ins and their caregiver, perhaps offering to sit with the shut in so the caregiver can have some time to refuel and refresh
  • listening to the lonely
  • donating only stuff you would still use if you could, not outdated or worn out items 
  • or, gasp, buying new things to donate
  • volunteering 
  • investing where you may not get a return
  • not being an enabler
  • intervening when necessary
  • when appropriate, visiting the dying
  • not allowing fear of differences to keep us from reaching out 
This not an exhaustive list by any means and I'd love to read some of your ideas of what it means to be pro life. 

pro life
for life
all of life
all lives 
even those we don't understand or agree with 


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