making memories, because of, not with


"making memories because of, not with"

that is one of the things that kept going through my head while I walked the beach yesterday...
our family is once again at the beach for a week
because it is something Bill wanted to do for our family
and when we honored that for the first time in 2015
the kids decided it is something they wanted to do every other year
it is a bittersweet thing
being with them last night for New Years Eve was the same,
thankful they are here with their families 
but missing my New Years kiss from Bill as they shared one with their spouses

"I know you can God, I don't know if or when You will, but I know you can"
is another sentence that has been rolling through my head the last two days
and I am not sure what it is I know He can do, 
well, that's not true, I know He can do anything
what I do not know is what my spirit is waiting on

as I sit here this evening,
mixed tears leaving a trail,
listening to sounds of life coming from above 
as foosball is being played
little ones plan a "show"
and beside me as the girls work on dinner
and some of the guys carry on conversations
I am thankful for the people I can make memories with
because of how well the one we all miss planned and saved


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