the secret ingredient

I stopped to see a family of friends after I cleaned the church today. I almost didn't because it was close to 5, I needed a shower and I hadn't let them know ahead of time that I might come by.

"A quick stop to say I love you" and then I'll leave was my thought as I drove up their hill. They have a device that alerts them and I was greeted with a smile before I ever reached the porch. I was welcomed into their home by more smiling faces, 7 more to be exact. I was invited to sit and was served water with lemon and crushed ice accompanied by homemade chex mix.

Each of the children shared something special with me. Favorite books, lego's, school work, paper mache creations, sewing plans, Christmas gifts, stories, memories, grins and laughter. 

I was invited to share in their supper and was given first choice from the buffet of leftovers. 

The busyness of family life surrounded me as dishes were cleaned, littlest ones got showers and the older ones finished up last minute chores before we watched a Hardy Boys DVD.

After the movie I received hugs, a few kisses goodnight and an open invitation to join them anytime. You better believe I'll be going back. 

My "quick" stop lasted three hours. I am a richer woman tonight than I was this morning. My heart is full. This happens every time I am with family-common DNA or no. Love shared is the secret ingredient that changes "ordinary" things into precious moments and gifts. Thank you sweet family for inviting me to share in one of your "ordinary" evenings. It was extraordinary. 


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