I still have it...

I did it. 
I thought I could.
All fall semester I have been eager to see if it was still possible.
I have a history that told me it was.
So a few weeks ago I stepped out on a limb.
I signed up to host and feed a group of KCU students today.

This morning I regretted my "rash" decision.
I have fed groups, groups much larger than the one coming to my home tonight, but never on my own from start to finish. What was I thinking when I sought out the coach to put my name on the list? But it was too late to back out of my commitment. So this afternoon I drove to Walmart to pick up a few things I had to wait until the last minute to purchase.

I wasted two hours in the clearance aisle trying to not think about this evening. Then I spent five minutes finding what I went for- organic salad mix and three loaves of french bread. When I returned home I unloaded what I needed for dinnerThe trunk full of Christmas clearance could wait. 

I had work to do.
Turn on lights so the room doesn't look like a cave.
Extend the table.

Round up two extra chairs.

Make lemonade, refill Brita pitchers.
Set out plates, bowls, glasses, napkins, salad tongs, serving utensils.

I pulled out my two crock pots to use in a new way.
Prego for the base of marinara in one, Ragu's Alfredo in the other.
A quick break for coffee, then it was time for the real work to begin.
Cook three pounds of angel hair, two pounds of linguini noodles and two boxes of shells and cheese to be ready and hot, all at 6:00.

At 5:58 the first few young men showed up.
By 6:07 there were ten here.
The familiar sight of a pile of large shoes made my heart smile.
Plates of pasta consumed and refilled made my heart happy.
I found myself relaxing.
Engaging in conversations.
Knowing I "still have it" is encouraging.
More than that, knowing I can do this by myself, with no help from Bill or my kids, is empowering. 

I think a large portion of the "change" God is going to work in my life this year, based on what has happened this first eleven days of 2018, is relationship driven. Already I have had experience fixing a broken/wounded one. Investing in established ones. Initiating new ones. I think this is the year for growing healthy relationships. It will not be easy. But then again, most things worth having rarely are. 

The swish, swish hum of the dishwasher is music to my ears.
A confirmation.
"Momma, you still got it."


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