trust, tested and true

I have contemplated all day and evening what to write. The thoughts that have plagued my brain have been about things being out of place, not where they should be, or how I planned for them to turn out. And how God works in mysterious ways. I'll try to put some of it into words that make sense.

Nothing was "normal" this morning. Not bad, just not the usual routine. As the afternoon unfolded Proverbs 16:9 began to play on repeat in my head.
"The mind of man plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps."

That verse came to me after meeting a sweet friend as I finished my first lap around KCU "proper" and was heading down the driveway loop. If any of my normal things had happened this morning/early afternoon, or if I had chosen to take any one of the different walking options I considered, I would have missed it. And I would have missed something beautiful. As I walked away from her I wondered, "Did the Lord direct my literal steps today?" Perhaps so.

Finishing my second lap I found a nail in the parking lot. If it belonged there it would be extremely helpful. But it was out of place and could cause damage. I picked it up and threw it in a trash can and questioned, "Are there things in my life that are out of place and potential hazards?"

That nail began building a train of thought about other things that have been where they shouldn't be and how sometimes they cause pain, sometimes they are a blessing.

Like the small place on my tongue that was removed Friday. 

The penny, nickel and quarter I found that afternoon as I walked. The nickel was my second find and as I held it in my hand and felt the rough edges before I put it in my pocket I thought about how sometimes life takes a toll on us. And how though it might be considered worthless as currency, it held more value as a reminder that though it wasn't what it used to be, it was still a nickel. The quarter I found after was a reminder of God's lavish love.

Last night as I left KMart, after dark, in the pouring rain, I noticed a coin as I stepped off of the curb into the parking lot. A Penny. And as I straightened from bending to pick it up I noticed another coin-a nickel. They weren't where they "should" be, but they were right where I needed them to be as reminders that God sees me in the midst of every storm.

Today I walked for more than hour. Along the way, in addition to my God arranged meeting and the nail encounter, (which had also prompted thoughts about Jesus' death, helped along by the fact that the service this morning was centered on the why of communion) I found a penny, then a nickel. Yet again two reminders that "In God I Trust." I said "I hear You God. Everyday day for the last three days You have opened my eyes to see coins. And spoken different encouragements through them. Thank You." I was a block from home and there were two salt covered pennies on the sidewalk. 
The widow's two copper coins.

Tonight I read what I wrote three years ago.

"God's faithfulness
in every past circumstance
makes belief in Him my choice
regardless of the situation I am presently in.

And through it all
my eyes are on Him...
and it is well with my soul
because I have learned to trust God.

Nothing else makes sense."

It rings as true now as it did then.
                Maybe even more true.


  1. Ahhh! I taught the lesson of the two copper coins the widow gave into the offering at the temple in Mark 12 in children's church!☺ She gave everything she had because loved and trusted God, that He would provide for her needs!☺


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