count your blessings, name them one by one... 344/366

these are just a few of today's blessings:

a hot breakfast

time with Jesus

a walk

a chat with Jeremy 

Christmas cards from friends

driving Anita to her doctor appointment

while Anita was in the office, making a quick drop and run at Jonathan and Jess' (since my nose was dripping) to deliver some books for Benjamin, a much desired dictionary to Addi and touching hands with Zeke through the glass storm door (just in case the nose dripping is more than allergies)

lunch from Panera 

milkshake for dessert from Steak and Shake 

a quick stop at Goodwill

a whispered "I love you" sunset

Anita and I piling into the truck with Tiffany, Garrett, Landon and Izak

taking a piece of furniture to another friend's house to be reworked

an introduction to DQ's pup cups-I've always wondered what they were

parking and watching part of the Grayson Fire Department light show 

hunting for and enjoying Christmas lights

a date for supper and more lights next Wednesday

Anita secretly stuffing my coat pockets with Ghiradelli chocolates while I made my bladder gladder before heading back to Grayson

if I were to list all of my blessings, there would not be room for them here...


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