meet the newest man in my life 336/366

When I opened the door to run some errands this afternoon I was greeted by cold air and a snow covered car. Big sigh. I didn't think to grab gloves or mittens before I locked up and I was too lazy to go back in so I went down the stairs toward the car with another big sigh, knowing before I could go anywhere had to clean the windows since there is no man in my life to take care of snow removal.

When I got to the hood I took a good look at the snow-could it be? It was! Perfect packing snow. There was nothing I wanted to do more than push pause on my plans and play a little. I gathered a handful of snow and made a snowball. With no one here to throw it at, I decided to play a bit more and roll it across the windshield to clear the snow rather than using the scraper. One ball led to another, then a third and before long I was gathering pebbles and I had a new man in my life.

Remember my oversight and lack of motivation to unlock the door and grab gloves? My hands were freezing. But I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat. The result was worth the discomfort. Very cold hands resulted in a very warmed heart. 

Bonus: cute little snowman said goodbye when I left and greeted me when I returned. Big sigh of enjoyment tonight when my headlights hit him.

Take away: sometimes pushing pause on my to do list and taking time to play yields far more important results than pushing through the list.


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