this girl needs an accountability partner 340/366

 meet my accountability partner:

up until early October I was checking in regularly 
it never lies to me
it encourages me when I do the right things
and lets me know when I've fallen off the wagon
I've slacked off on checking in
I've also backed off of doing the right things for my health
today I stepped on the scales 
(I can make excuses for the way my body feels, but my partner exposes the truth)
and it let me know in no uncertain terms it was time to step into these again:

I guess eating 3/4's of a pecan pie Thanksgiving weekend wasn't a great choice
along with not getting in 4 miles a day regularly,
not drinking enough water consistently
and not feeding my body properly for six weeks adds up,
it all adds up, 
I wish making healthy choices and losing weight was as effortless as putting it on....


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