silent night 361/366

it's a silent night
my brother Greg and his sons left this afternoon
it's a hole-y night
there's an empty spot, a hole, in the place they filled while they were here
all is calm
no "Yahtzee!" or conversation tonight 
all is bright
Christmas tree and lights are still up for a few more days
Sarah, Beth and their families are coming round tomorrow night
they will be here a couple of days
we will celebrate the Holy infant's birth
then they will return to their homes
I'll sleep in peace and quiet,
which is something I've gotten used to, but....
the time after visits with family are always a mixed bag of emotions
with feelings running rampant
I try to stay focused on being thankful for our time together, 
but I am greedy, I always long for more
and the silent nights that follow are hard to re-adjust to...


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