find the sparkle in the ordinary 354/366

As I was walking away from the chicken coop last weekend I saw what appeared to be part of an old potato. I've heard chickens eat scraps so it made perfect sense to me that there would be part of a potato on the path.

I took another step, saw a glint and realized it wasn't a potato, it was a rock and the tiny part that is circled may be what the sun reflected off of and drew my attention. I picked it up and stuck it on my pocket. 

It is hard to see, but there are quite a few places that sparkle when the light hits them just right. I gently cleaned the rock with a soft nail brush because I didn't want to dislodge any of the "shiny". It has a home on my kitchen windowsill, a reminder that sometimes you have to look at things from a different perspective, sometimes you have to look closer, sometimes it take a little work to find the beauty in what at first glance looks unremarkable. It also reminds me that sometimes I get it wrong the first time I look at something. If I'd walked over or away from the "potato" I'd have missed the lessons of the crystals.


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