perception and trust 341/366

sometimes it is easy  
to be consumed by what we are facing
and lose sight of the truth

 that what we can see
may be skewed or magnified by our experiences
and may not be a realistic representation of what is truly in front of us

and sometimes even when we take a step back
and correctly identify what is in front of us
we forget there is a much larger picture

I don't know what you are going through,

but I do know this-

only God sees the whole picture,

and when things seem to be spiraling out of control

and you are unable to understand or agree with His ways,

I encourage you to focus on this truth:

He loves you,

He sees you,

He cares,

He is good,

He is working an eternal plan 

and when you can't see His hand at work, 

you can still choose to trust His heart


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