a note to my "not holly jolly" friends...

Dear "not holly jolly" friend, 
please know that you are not alone
if you do not agree that this is the best time of the year.

the reasons for not being holly jolly are many
from temperament
to personality
to learned behavior 
to life circumstances

broken hearted from loss 
unimaginable burdens
weary caregivers driven by love
concern about how to provide our family's basic needs 
painful memories 
estranged from family
separated from loved ones by duty 
choices that carry heavy consequences

regardless of how you ended up in the "not holly jolly club"
maybe it will be helpful for you to do these things:
1. acknowledge that holly jolly doesn't fit everyone
2. be yourself-but don't expect others to be you
3. don't feel guilty for how you feel
4. don't be discouraged by those who feel differently
5. don't try to "fix it"
6. love all of the people in your life right where they are

with love,
a fellow "not so holly jolly" person
I have always been more of a low key, quiet enjoyer of life


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