on the road again...

 1,200 plus 
that is how many miles it is 
from Grayson to Massillon to Akron to Massillon to Grayson
+ from Grayson to Jamestown and back 
+ from Grayson to Cincinnati and back
and how many miles I will have travelled in 9 days come Wednesday afternoon
I have pumped more gas in the last week than I have in the last month or more

I visited family in Ohio last Tuesday-Thursday
I attended a friend's rehearsal and wedding Friday and Saturday
I went to Jamestown to see the whole Funk family participate in
Journey to Bethlehem and attend church with them Saturday-Sunday
I will go to Cincinnati to see Cristian perform in his first grade musical Tuesday

last Wednesday I saw my brother Charles and niece Tammy
I hadn't seen her in 9 years
you can't put a price on the gift of reuniting

if you had told me a year ago
that I would be making three long distance trips by myself
in just over a week
I would have told you you were crazy
now you may shake your head and tell me I am crazy!
and I would respond
love motivates us to do crazy things


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