you matter more

Ruth and Kyle stopped and picked me on their way to church this morning. Xavier (2 1/2) wanted to hold my hand as we walked from the car to the building for services. He did not have class and chose to sit with us in big church rather than stay and play in the nursery. As we sat singing Christmas Carols I heard him ask his momma "what's this?" She quietly answered him and the next thing I knew he was leaning across her and saying "here bama, this is yours" I didn't see anything but reached out my hand toward him. I realized what he handed me was undoubtedly mine-one strand of long silver hair. When his momma told him that is one of grandma's hairs he felt the need to return what was mine. I love that kid and prayed then that he would never lose that sense of respect for other people's things, even as I laughed inside over the level of concern in his voice over one strand of hair.

Later in the service, as I passed communion to Ruth and she passed it over Xavier to Kyle, I heard him ask his papa "what is that papa?" As I sat with my head bowed and eyes closed, I rejoiced and thanked God that the parents of my grandchildren are teaching their children about Jesus as I listened to Kyle tell him that the juice was to remind us about how Jesus died for our sins and the juice reminds us that Jesus' blood covers our sins. My heart about burst when Xavier said "I need the juice! Papa, I need some juice!" 

On and off all day I have thought about the verse that says "a little child shall lead them..." I don't know how the people around us this morning could have missed Xavier's communion comment. He wasn't shouting, but the church was quiet and he wasn't whispering. I just wonder if anyone else thought what I did. "Amen! Don't we all need some juice!"

Tonight I am reminded that Xavier is not the only one concerned about the hairs of my head. Jesus spoke these words:
"Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows." Luke 12:6&7

The hairs of our head are numbered.
Not counted.
God is incredibly concerned about even the tiniest details of our lives.


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