sometimes a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!

12:09 Monday afternoon
day four for that shiner
thankfully the pain is not in proportion to the color

in limbo
that is where I found myself in early November
in a lot of ways come to think of it...
but one of the most unsettling was
what should I do about a Christmas Tree?

I was in the process of tearing up carpet,
room by room,
and the family room where the tree would go was done,
but when would the new harwood be laid?
talk was December or January
my tree doesn't go up before Thanksgiving
and there was no sense in putting one up for just a few days
if they were going to to start working on the floors the first of December
I can go with the flow in a lot of areas
but a Christmas Tree is a bit of a struggle for me, 
I have to get mentally prepared

when I found my little Norfolk Island Pine a few days before Thanksgiving 
my problem was solved-it was small enough to move 
and I have enjoyed it thoroughly
it was just what I needed
it was just what I wanted

until tonight


I miss squinting at Christmas lights

I miss turning off the house lights
at the end of a full day
a cup of tea or hot cocoa in hand,
with only the lights of the tree on
enjoying the unique beauty and relaxation that experience brings

so right now, at 1:00 AM, 
just a few days before Christmas
sleep can wait...
I am going to get up off of this couch,
start water for a cup of tea
and do something that makes no sense at all
I am going to empty the coat closet so I can get to my tree
I am going to pull it out, 
move a chair so I can put it up,
plug it in, 
and hope the lights still work

it is the only logical thing to do
it makes absolutely no sense to not put one up
and miss out on one of life's biggest pleasures...
before I go to sleep tonight
I want to sit and sip tea and squint at the lights awhile 
it almost took longer for the water to get hot
than it took for me to get the tree out!
1: 45 AM-it's good to do something that feeds your heart


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