"feelin' it" today

today I am "feelin' it" in all kinds of ways
the first thing I saw when I opened FB was this photo,
taken in our family room before the guys went home for Christmas break
I am missing two of these men,
with an aching 
and recurring tears today
I made a wreath for Bill's grave
picked up a stand to display it yesterday afternoon
and set it up today, a simple green wreath, a red bow and reindeer antlers

in the last week 
on three different occasions 
I was in direct contact with someone who was sick
guess what, I am feeling germs at work
a stuffy nose, body aches and headache are my companions today

of course the headache may have something to do with this:
not make up
it hurt(s)

the red antlers are on grandpa's wreath
somewhere there is a photo of Bill wearing a pair
Mia Rose

Last night I got to hang out with those two cuties while momma and papa went to a Christmas dinner. One of them, who shall remain unnamed, caught my eyebrow with the back of their head. I immediately checked for blood and within a minute knew there would be repercussions today. I could almost see my eyebrow. Without looking in a mirror. It began turning colors as I iced it.

This morning I went to the grocery store to get Ginger Ale and Popsicles. The Davies family is battling a stomach bug. I have a feeling I am beginning to do the the same. I felt "it" while I was there. The unguarded stares. The curious looks. The repeated glances that were not as covert as the the people thought they were. The unasked question was loud, "Who beat you?" Because it was unasked, I couldn't answer. I felt judged. 

I was "feeling it" as Willow was undergoing her hours long EEG which started last evening. The need to pray without ceasing. Asking that if she needed to have an episode while she was hooked up that it would happen. Waking up through the night repeating that prayer. 

I was "feeling it" as we waited for the neurologist to talk to Sarah this morning. Thankful they had an EEG from June to compare with the one they were currently doing. Feeling thankful God was holding each one of us close. Feeling thankful that we can rest in His care. Feeling incredibly blessed to be His child. Feeling thankful that He is always close, even when I don't "feel" it.


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