holding onto Hope

last evening as I picked up my Bible
I heard what sounded like tiny bits of cinder hit the floor
and I wondered how Xavier had gotten rocks in my Bible
I looked down to find them so I could pick them up
and my heart gasped when I saw what had caused the noise

Years ago I bought a bookmark from one of the college students who was raising money to fund her mission trip.
There were many choices, the one with hope was my favorite.

This morning I still wonder how I immediately saw that charm on this floor.

hardwood coming in January

and yet,
I am not surprised at all,
because Hope is one of the first things I look for and hold tight to

the only other component I found last night was the glass bead
blue was Bill's favorite color
it reminds me of the ocean
I can't tell you how often I have rubbed this bead between my thumb and index finger

This morning I got down on my hands and knees to find the remaining pieces
it took a while

all of the parts found
all in one place

I did my best
but it doesn't look like it did before
then again,
after things fall apart
they never go back quite the same way
hope is still the anchor
my bookmark is back in my Bible,
keeping my place for quick reference
just like it has for years

today I am holding tight onto hope
Sarah and Kourtney are on their way to UK's Children's hospital with Willow. She had another episode of passing out Tuesday, Sarah did all the right things so Willow did not turn blue and stop breathing this time but she was out several minutes so they went to the local hospital. The ER doctors sent her on to University of Kentucky Children's Hospital where she was after the scare in June. They spent the night, saw who they needed to see and were sent home with instructions to do normal stuff because there was no change in her heart, etc. and Willow was doing well. This morning Sarah got a call from the school nurse. Willow had an episode at school. Sarah went and picked her up and took her to the local hospital again. The doctors there called Willow's doctors at UK. They want to see her so Sarah and Kourtney are taking her. I welcome your prayers to join ours for the doctors to have wisdom and discernment as they care for Willow. That tests that need to be done be done and if there is something they need to see that it will be obvious. And that it will be clear if it is simply that her little body simply shuts down easily.
(Vagal Reaction is what the symptoms and test results pointed to in June).
me and Willow May 8, 2016
Deborah, in Siberia,
shared this video in our family message this morning
not knowing anything was going on with Willow.
I love how God works.
Here is the song he speaks about:


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