a text I didn't want to get

I drove out to clean the church Thursday afternoon. A man was there working on our new windows. I mumbled and grumbled. My plans for the weekend had to change since I wasn't comfortable working with a stranger there. I prayed, "God, You have a plan. This will work out." As I drove home I tried to decide if I would come back in the early evening or return Friday.

I heard a ding when I reached cell service area. When I stopped at the red light I glanced at my phone. A message from my brother-in-law. That is unusual. When I pulled into my driveway I read it. "Mom had some kind of a stroke yesterday at a restaurant. Friends called 911 and brought her to Akron City. Cheryl spent the night and they did an MRI and CT scan. She's better...just wanted you to know."

My heart dropped. Tears flowed. I yelled, in my head of course, "I can't lose mom!" I drove to Ruth's. Kyle was home for lunch. They saw my tear stained face but didn't ask. I handed her my phone, she read the text and passed it to Kyle. I told them I didn't know whether to leave right away or in the morning. My heart was saying "GO!". Ruth said, "Listen to your heart."

So I went home, emptied the dirty clothes from my visit to Sarah's Sunday-Wednesday into the washer, started it and took the suitcase upstairs to pack it with clean clothes. Intending to wait until the clothes dried so I'd have more to add. But couldn't wait so I quickly gathered my Bible, journal, prayer lists, computer and assorted charging cords, carried my things to the car and headed out. I made phone calls as I travelled so Sam, the church, my mail and the wet laundry would all be taken care of. I have great friends.

The best thing about yesterday was walking into mom's room and being greeted by her smile. And conversation, a little slurred, but coherent. We had a slumber party last night. You know what? Sleeping in a hospital recliner next to someone you love is not so bad. 

She's doing well. I am so thankful.

Whoopee! No scheduled nurse visits til 5ish!
I love the lady in this bed. 

Staged here, but actually happened later.


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