Graduation Saturday

this is what Caleb had to say about today"By the Grace of God I have a Masters Degree!
Thank you for all the prayers, love & support from everyone! #BruhzWithMastersDegrees#ScholastiQBruhz"

kids I love received bachelor degrees from KCU this morning
at least two of "my kids" received their master's degree
FB posts allowed me to see some of their faces,
to catch a glimpse of the pride and support of other friends and family
I had planned on going, 
armed with plenty of kleenex because, well, you know why I'd need them
instead I was in Akron Ohio at the hospital with mom and family
marveling at the marked improvement in her health today
rejoicing when she was moved to the rehab hospital this evening

whooo hooo! 
so much to celebrate
so much to be thankful for
tonight I am wishing I could be in more than one place at the same time,
because my heart sure is!


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