fear has laryngitis

when I walked into mom's room yesterday she said
"They are letting me go home tomorrow!"
as my mind processed that information it was divided
"Yay! I am so excited! Her hard work has paid off!"
"Oh, no!, we were planning on Wednesday..."

I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous last night
fear screams: "what if she is not really well enough to leave rehab?"
reality: they are professionals, they wouldn't let her go if she wasn't ready
fear yells: "what if I am not prepared to do what I need to do?"
reality: mom's recovery has been remarkable, she needs very little help

I drove her car today without permission-
I took it because it is easier for her to get in and out of
we're home all safe and secure, tucked in-
she has done wonderfully all afternoon
and this evening I find that fear has lost it's voice
mom does not like her picture taken,
however, she did approve this post with the pic
why? she loves me and supports my writing  


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