a victory celebration is in order

my remarkable lunch today and how I got it:
waffle fries
grilled chicken sandwich
pretty much what I always get at this restaurant

mom gave me a gift card and told me to go to lunch
I waited in line
I ordered
for dine in, 
not carry out

I received my drink
chose an isolated table
sat facing the back of the divider so I wouldn't have to make eye contact
put the marker on the edge of the table 
and began the wait for my food 

I took a screen shot of the time
I wondered-will I really be able to carry this off?
or will I need to ask them for a bag to put my lunch in?
I have tried this "eat in" thing several times at different places
but end up asking for it "to go" when I get to the counter and order

what makes this lunch remarkable?
I ate my first meal 
in a restaurant by myself
I didn't cry until I walked out
a very long time after I walked in

fourteen minutes,
actually less than that,
was enough to absolutely wear me out, 
but I did it!
this evening I am celebrating a victory

thank you mom, 
thank you Chik-Fil-A


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