
May 28th is the day we celebrate the birth of my first born son, Jonathan
his name means "God's gift"
and while I believe each one of my children are a gift,
his birth was the most precarious,
and when I celebrate it is with a fuller awareness of the preciousness of life

he had a prolapsed cord-
he almost didn't make it into this world alive
his birth required an emergency c-section
my doctor held him up in the birth canal until they could deliver him
the student nurse assigned to me during labor scared Bill-
when she went to tell him there was a problem, she told him
"this is serious, we could lose your wife
...and your child"

May 28 was Sunday
Jonathan and his family were out of town so I sent him a text
the day was filled with busyness
I called mom Bondurant near 10 PM to check on her
her blood pressure had been high all day
she had a headache
both things she has experienced since her stroke
at 11:21 PM I got a call from my sister in law, Cheryl
"they are taking mom to the hospital by ambulance"

I immediately began praying
"Lord, no...
please, don't take her
especially today, on Jonathan's birthday
and not tomorrow since Bill died on the 29th of the month
I also asked "why? "
"why do these life disrupting things happen at time like this?"
I did pray for those taking care of her medical needs
but honestly, I did more begging that we wouldn't lose her yet

I asked Cheryl to keep me updated,
it didn't matter what time it was,
she asked if I was sure, I assured her I was positive-
please call or text with information
I texted the kids so they would know and pray
I received and sent several texts throughout the night
I must have been in a deep sleep when she sent the last one at 3:59 AM
they had released mom and she was back home
it was a wonderful message to read when I woke up

we are still in camp team training
Sunday was our day off
we were back at it Monday, bright and early
I kept my phone in my pocket,
explained to the leader why I might have to step out 
and prayed, prayed, prayed
when I had a break that evening I called mom to check on her
she told me her blood pressure when the paramedics arrived it was 215/97
I'm no doctor, but I know that was not good

this is the week we go to a camp in Ohio to finish up our training
there is about a 1% chance there will be enough service to use your phone
as I was trying to decide what to do-
whether to stay home or go on to camp Tuesday
I was transported back to last year
when Ruth came into Monday morning's session with tears
to tell me Willow was being life flighted to Lexington Children's hospital
last year Sarah told me, "Go with the camp teams"
I knew if I asked mom she would say, "Go with the camp teams"

so here I am a year later,
same place, 
different group,
same prayer,
"Lord, use me as You will, 
please keep me from being distracted
and please, 
don't take my loved one home yet.
And if I need to receive a call, please let it come through."


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