unintentionally wounded

a kind woman came to visit mom this afternoon
she wasn't there long and could tell mom was tired 
we went to church together when I lived in Ohio years ago
as she was saying her goodbyes she looked at me and said;
"I am glad your husband made it home safely"

I don't remember what or even if I replied
I do know I focused unseeingly on the floor,
concentrating on breathing slowly 
swallowing several times, fighting the animal scream that wanted to erupt
and somehow was able to keep from losing it

there was an awkward silence
both mom and I were initially in shock
it seemed like hours but was probably less than a minute
before mom, the one in the room who suffered a stroke nine days ago,
recovered and realized her visitor was confused

a muddled ending ensued
I think I heard mom say "this is Donnette, not Trish"
the visitor slowly comprehended she'd made a mistake
and said something like, "that was Greg who went on the trip...
 Oh, this is Donnette..."

after she left I didn't dare look at mom
I didn't want us both bawling our eyes out
neither of us would have wanted or been able to explain to a nurse
that unintentionally inflicted, invisible wounds
sometimes cause the deepest pain

later I wished I'd said;
 "I'm glad he made it home safely too.
If he can't be here with us,
I am thankful to know he is with Jesus.
Knowing where he is brings a measure of comfort, joy and peace to life."


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