60 before 60

I have seen it before, but never paid much attention to the idea until a friend who is half my age began been posting some of her "30 before 30" accomplishments. It has been fun to watch. Her experiences ignited a dream I have pondered for a few months- what if I were to do 60 before 60? Thirty before thirty in a year, multiplies out to 60 before 60 in almost two years. 
(BTW, it much easier to ponder than commit publicly because there is no accountability if you never talk about your ideas and dreams.)

I ran the suggestion by Ruth to test the waters as we travelled Friday. She thought it is a great idea. I'll be honest, coming up with 60 (newish) things sounded daunting to me, but we brain stormed and in a short time came up with several! Some I have already accomplished.

  • travel across the United States in a car to enjoy the scenery
  • visit with Dorothy and Greg, dear friends from Akron days who live in Snohomish WA. We are meeting Friday!
  • return to teaching at RLCA

here is part of my list

  • introduce myself to someone new once a week that may not sound like a big deal to you, but it is a huge stretch for me
  • lose and keep off some weight I can lose a few pounds but it creeps back much too easily and quickly
  • slowly change my eating habits-more fresh fruits and veggies less added sugar
  • walk 2 miles 5 out of 7 days a week, without a fitbit guilting me
  • no soda/pop for a year beginning Sunday August 6, so if you see me with one, feel free to remind me
  • go see Deborah and David
  • make regular trips to see my kids within driving distance
  • hike Multnomah Falls on our agenda for Thursday
  • visit a beach on the Pacific coast Ruth and Kyle are taking me Sunday for my 40th wedding anniversary
  • work 30 minutes daily on one of the curriculum I've started
  • make a trip to Portland next year
  • organize/purge attic so my kids have less to go through one day
  • zipline again
  • rework front flowerbed
  • finish fire pit
  • paint the outbuilding
  • get back in the habit of doing back exercises daily
  • invest more time in my interactions with people face to face
  • begin a small group with some girls from KCU
  • begin teaching at home again
  • realistically look at my crafting stash and purge
  • drive to see Dorothy and Greg's house next visit to WA
What new thing do you need to ponder/commit to?
If we aren't growing and changing we become stagnant.
Have you ever been around stagnant water? It stinks.


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