out of character

I keep thinking I am getting this widow life figured out
and then something like this happens
and I find myself shaken a bit out of character again...
I received four pieces of mail today-
a package for Deborah,
these two envelopes, from the same company, for Bill
and one donation request addressed to me-
they switched from sending to Bill when I contacted them about his passing

I never used to open Bill's mail,
it was an unspoken rule of respect I guess
after he passed I'd often crumple or shred mail addressed to him
when I realized I had trashed some things I needed, I began opening "his" mail
it was an uncomfortable thing for a long time
but I got to the place where I could do it most days and not be angry or hurt
today was not one of those days

Please Reply Within 5 Days
in compliance my responses will be in the mail this afternoon
to the magazine who says "Your Prompt Attention is Requested"
I wrote: "Your attention is requested. Please remove his name from your mailing list. He is dead."
to the one who is on the "We Want You Back!" bandwagon
"Me too. But he died in 2014. Please remove his name from the mailing list."

I've had time to "simmer down"
but I am still going to reply, using the envelopes provided
out of character?
maybe, maybe not
I can't decide, I guess it depends on the day

by the way,
I am praying for the persons who will open the responses
it isn't their fault the subscription requests were mailed


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