Happy 40th Anniversary

When Kyle and Ruth set their moving date I realized that unless I drove out with them and flew home right away that I would be here for my 40th anniversary. When I found out they are relatively close to the Pacific Coast on impulse I asked if they would take me to the beach on my anniversary. Without hesitation their answer was an enthusiastic "YES!"

As it got closer I was hesitant.
But I also thought it would be a good place for me to be today.
I thought right.

We went to church this morning, enjoyed the service, fellowship and meal afterward, then headed west and north toward Seaside. As we drove I remembered that last year I was in Panama City, Florida on the beach with Deborah and David's family. I am thinking I could easily make this a habit. 

A friend who lives in Snohomish, WA warned me that Pacific Coast beaches are different from east coast beaches. I didn't know what to expect. 

As we walked up over the crest of the hill, there it was before me-the Pacific ocean. Breathtakingly beautiful. Somewhat familiar.

Xavier, Mia and I wasted no time getting down to the water. I was surprised by the lack of seashells. Most of what we saw was scattered, broken sand dollars. That was different. And crabs. That was the same. This beach had a more rugged feel to it than any I have been to. And the water, even in August, was shockingly icy cold.

40 years ago today I married a man who taught me what true love is. A man who I promised to spend the rest of my life with. Turns out, that wasn't to be, but he did spend the rest of his life with me. 37 years. I wish it had been longer. I was counting on at least 50 years together. But I am thankful. So very thankful for the years of loving, living and growing we had as man and wife. 

40 years ago on Sunday August 7 I stood by his side at Myrtle Beach. Watching the Atlantic Ocean. Dipping my toes in. Running from the waves. Holding hands as we walked. Young. Full of dreams, plans and energy. It was just the two of us, but we were family. 

Today I stood a world apart from that, for a few moments, by myself. Watching the Pacific Ocean. Dipping my toes in. Running from the waves. Holding the hands of two of my grandchildren. Older. Dreaming new dreams, making plans to work smarter, not harder. It was just the five of us together today, but I knew I was loved by, prayed for and thought about by the other 24 that are a result of our marriage. Not to mention other family and friends.

40 years. This side of that number doesn't seem like it took nearly as much time as I thought it would. 40 years holds a lot of sweet, priceless memories and experiences that will never be duplicated. Just like every walk in the sand by the ocean is unique and will never be repeated. The beach was a perfect place to experience a happy 40th anniversary without Bill by my side.

I am guessing I probably did this 40 years ago.
I know I did it last year.
Did it again today.
3 different beaches.
Same truth.


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