first time for everything

I am 58 years old. 
In a few days I will be doing something completely new.
Something I never imagined doing, and I have a pretty expansive imagination.
I will be living by myself.

I have never lived by myself.
Not really.
I graduated on my 18th birthday.
I moved into my dad's house until I married Bill less than 2 months later.

Even when I've been in the house by myself since Bill's death one of my kids has been within a few minute drive.
Until now.
When I return to Grayson I will be "on my own".
That's part of our doing parenting well.

yes, I am well aware of the fact that Jesus is always with me and I have friends close by and Jonathan and Jess are only 35-40 minutes away, but it isn't the same as them being within walking distance.

When I get on the plane tomorrow I will be leaving my baby girl and her family to go home to a house we have shared for the last two years.
Daily visits.
Walks, dinners, church and social events together.
Xavier and Mia running toward me with arms outstretched.

So, if you see me wandering around town looking lost,
I probably am.
I am confident I will be okay.
God has never failed to provide what I need when I need it.
But I am also painfully aware that a period of adjustment is looming large.
For all of us.
With that said, if one of us crosses your mind, go ahead and lift up a prayer.


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