"so, what are you doing now that..."

so, what are you doing now that...
your kids don't live in Grayson...
you are in that great big house by yourself...

This has been taped to the dash of my car for several months now. 
I have used it as a reminder/challenge to BE where I am. 
With who is there. 
Not where I was. 
Not where I am going. 
Not focusing on who is missing.
This mindset has served me well.
I am here.
I am going to live every moment God gives me,
allowing myself the freedom to feel,
permitting emotions to run their course and not feel guilty
that sometimes I am momentarily angry or frustrated or irritated. I refuse to allow myself to live in those dark places, but I won't pretend they don't occur.

"you are here" 
Sometimes "here" is on the back porch with these three-
I'm still not sure why I got two new dogs.
I am pleading temporary insanity.

"you are here"
"Here" may be on the other side of that press box, on the sidelines of the turf watching my guys and my girls practice. They are not children of my womb, but they are children of my heart. It is a privilege to be part of their lives.

most of my guys with some younger players

most of my girls waiting for practice to begin

I am here.
I am going to love the people God puts in my path. Not forgetting about, neglecting or minimizing relationships with those who are far away, but not allowing the love I have for the ones I don't get to see on a regular basis blind me to the people in front of my face. 

I am here, 
wherever here is,
as long as God gives me breath, 
I am here.
I want to honor Him.

YOU are here
Tonight's westward view at the end of practice.
It was a megaphone shouting
"I AM is here, and He loves me."


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