Dear readers, (an open letter)

Dear readers,
I wish we could spend a day together so I would have an opportunity to show you how beautiful my life is. Sometimes, especially after writing a post about mourning, I fear that you may think my life is full of misery and pain. 
Nothing could be farther from the truth! 
Yes, there are moments when tears fall, the ugly cry happens, my eyes hurt, my nose runs, my heart is raw and aches deeply but alongside the sadness and pain there is deep, abiding joy and hope to counterbalance it.

I find beauty in so many different ways and places...

there is deep, lasting beauty in my friends and family who fill my heart to overflowing with love and encouragement

nature abounds with beauty:
  • the ever changing colors of the sky and the things that are in it- clouds, occasionally rainbows, sun, moon, stars (I have a dear friend who tells me sunrise is beautiful. Unfortunately, I cannot verify that with regular firsthand experience. Sunsets I can vouch for.)
  • trees, grasses, flowers and shrubs that grow, change with the seasons and sometimes dance in the wind
  • the peculiar scents that accompany each season
  • the pleasant smells of fresh cut grass, fragrant flowers, perfectly ripe fruit, meat grilling, rain coming, freshly plowed dirt in the spring

unexpected gifts- a penny on the ground, a flower shared, helping hands 

children playing and laughing nearby make me smile

there is music and art and words to stir my soul 

my dogs bark a greeting, wag their tails and lick my hand (and face if they get an opportunity) because they are glad to see me

my favorite source of beauty, something that is guaranteed to feed my joy and hope? time spent alone, in the quiet, soaking in the healing presence of God

my life is beautiful, my heart is full 


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