shhh, Master at work

if you listen hard you can hear it, 
or at least feel the beat-
the symphony of life
in the quiet, 
as the music plays, 
be still

if you look closely you can see evidences of the Master's hand at work
as He orchestrates the music
as He paints the picture
as He writes the story of our faith
and all of the places that are dark and ugly are part of the beauty 
they serve as a backdrop to highlight the light He brings to life
all of the mourning is but a part of the melody that is joy and peace
all of the twists and turns and seeming dead ends are part of the plot
trust Him, He knows what He is doing

if you need to rant and rave,
if you need to scream and shout,
if you needs to ask hard questions, 
by all means do so
God is not frightened or offended by honest questions,
you need to know some things-
you may not get an answer
and if you do get an answer, 
you may not like the answer you receive
or you may not understand the answer
but that does not mean you cannot get to a place of quiet rest for your soul

so if you need to wrestle, by all means, wrestle,
and know that you don't have to agree with the ways He works
you don't have to understand the tools He uses
you don't have to comprehend His timing
you don't have to like what has happened or is happening
to choose to trust Him, 
to learn to be still before Him

I encourage you to trust that the God who created you,
the God who sustains you
the God who loves you
is working His plan in your life, 
and it is a beautiful plan

shhhh, the Master is at work
and when He is done, 
He will call you home
only then will you be able to see the finished masterpiece that is your life
oh what a glorious day that will be, when my Jesus I shall see


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