far from poor

A one income family plus
six growing children plus
Christian organizations as employers
equals enough to pay the bills, but not much more.
When the kids were young we developed a family theme song
on our way home from a weekend trip
when the kids wanted fast food and I had sandwiches packed.

"We ain't got much money,
but we're far from poor.
We've got laughter and giggles and so much more.
We are building our family upon the Lord,
No, we ain't got much money,
but we're far from poor!"
(What we lacked in skill we make up for with gusto.)

It is still true,
I don't have much money.
But I wouldn't change a thing-
I have wealth beyond measure,
I have riches beyond comprehension.
I have the assurance and hope of heaven, 
my husband is already there.

"I have no greater joy 
than to hear that my children 
are walking in the truth."
3 John 1:4
Our children and their spouses share that hope 
and are teaching their children
to build on the sure foundation of Jesus Christ.

"We ain't got much money,
but we're far from poor.
We've got laughter and giggles and so much more.
We are building our family upon the Lord,
No, we ain't got much money,
but we're far from poor!"
(Oh how I wish I could find the video of the kids singing this!)


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