
When I think of transparency I am immediately transported back in time to my school days-to an age that predates dry erase boards, power point and smart boards. To a time when if the teacher had something they wanted to share with the whole class, other than through a lecture, it was done via the chalk board or a transparency

For those of you who have no idea as to what state of the art equipment is required to use a transparency- this is it:
it is called an overhead projector.

A transparency is a clear sheet of thin, stiff plastic-like material, with words or pictures printed or drawn on it. It is placed on the clear part of the machine, the power switch is flipped on and the design is projected onto a wall or screen.

If the light bulb in the over head projector burned out, 
the teacher was in trouble. 
The transparency was useless.

I try to live a life of transparency. 

If the light of Jesus is not shining through the details of my life, 
the transparency is useless.

The pain doesn't make sense.
Joy and peace cannot shine through.
Truth gets lost in the lies the enemy whispers.
The beauty of the story He is writing cannot be seen.

I am weak-
He is strong.
I am weary-
He gives me rest.
I am grieving-
He gives me peace and joy.
I am hurting-
He provides comfort and healing.
God is the substance of all that is worth having in my life. 

having the property of transmitting rays of light through its substance so that bodies situated beyond or behind can be distinctly seen.

I want to live so that it is clear that God is behind any good in me. 
I believe He is the giver of all good gifts.


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