night does not last forever

Healing is a process.
This morning I was excited,
I made it back to Sunday School for the first time in a few weeks!
Saw Bob putting Christmas cards outside of our classroom.
Glanced on my way past to make sure I didn't have any
and saw this:
It wasn't Christmas cards.
It was our 2014 giving record.
The tears trickled.
Took the back way to the Life Center, 
received hugs from friends,
shed a few more silent tears,
and proceeded to "our family table".

Sat down and read the bulletin.
The tear off portion was a poem about pain and healing.
The inside "blurb" was about pain and healing.
The sermon title had to do with pain and healing.
I am in that process.
Even with the looming threat of crying
I was determined to stay and hear the message.
I made a trip to the bathroom before the service started.
Found tears falling in spite of my desire to keep them in check.
A friend came to check on me.
The flood gates opened and she held me.
I decided not to cause a scene,
and considered hiding out in the bathroom until service ended.
Bre came to check on me and had my things so I went home.

I know God is working.
I know God does not make mistakes.
If I didn't have those assurances I would be without hope.
But still, I hurt. The shock is wearing off more.
The wound is deep, my heart is raw.
I cried as I drove. 
I remembered as I drove. 
I prayed as I drove.
I sat in the drive and cried.
I fumbled with opening the door 
and sobbed as I walked down the hall.
I grabbed the Kleenex box on my way to the couch
where I sat and screamed loudly, wailed and moaned
and repeated the process, thankful I was alone.

I threw up, went to the bathroom to clean up,
returned to the couch and ugly cried some more.
All the while knowing without a doubt 
and being very aware that
God sees.
God cares.
God loves me.
This suffering, this anguish, thankfully is not 24/7.
And the anger, the mental fog, the frustration,
the weariness that reaches clear down into my bones-
it is all simply part of the grieving process.
I know that night does not last forever,
and God continues to send encouragement and light 
to keep my life beautifully balanced.

I never know who the vessel will be,
friend, stranger or family,
or what form it will take:
a prayer, a hug, a smile,
a quiet visit, 
a shared scripture, devotional thought or song,
a card, text or message,
time (in my home or yours), 
holding my hand as we pray or walk,
a gentle kiss on the forehead,
shared giggles, laughter or tears,
you being comfortable with my silence,
a whispered "I love you",
"I am thinking about you", 
"Do you need anything?"

Each of these is a priceless gift.

"A friend loves at all times,
and a brother is born for adversity."
Proverbs 17:17

Thank you "friends and brothers"...


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