Joining a Sorority

I have never been in a sorority.
I have never even considered joining a sorority.
I know they are for females.
I think they are common on large campuses.
I think you can choose if you want to try and join a sorority.
I think you have to be chosen/accepted to be in a sorority.
I think sorority members consider one another "sisters".

A while back I received a Facebook message that ended with:
"Thinking of you. Two women in a sorority we don't want to be a part of......"

I have thought about Janet's statement often.
"Two women in a sorority we don't want to be a part of......"

Widowhood is universal, it is not uncommon.
I thought about the possibility of joining,
but hoped I wouldn't be eligible for years.
The timing of our membership was chosen for us.
I know women who have been in this sorority for years-
I look to their example to see how to navigate well.
I have sisters who, like me, are new to this sorority.
Together, leaning on God and one another, we will make it.

I wish there was no need for this sorority,
nor for the fraternity whose membership 
is forced on men whose wives die.
But until Jesus comes back,
membership in both will continue to grow.
I pray that I will remain focused on what I know to be true,
rather than on what I sometimes "feel"
because feelings are not reliable.

This is what I know to be true, and tonight I "feel" it:
 "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, 
who comforts us in all our affliction 
so that we will be able to comfort 
those who are in any affliction 
with the comfort with which we ourselves 
are comforted by God."


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